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Joan Gebhart On Issues Affecting Livonia "People"

(Click on the title below)



 Wonderland Center



 Securing Livonia's Future - A Plan For A Better Livonia



Are you satisfied with the restrictions set by the planning commission for the Wonderland Village project, including Wal-Mart, and what would you change?



Explain your view of the SMART opt-out proposal on the ballot.



What solutions do you favor for approaching the city’s continuing budget difficulties?



Do you believe the police department is understaffed? If so, what plans do you have to fund more police positions? If not, what can the city do to better address recent increases in property crime?


Send mail to rlmiga@mrmiga.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2005 Friends Of Joan Gebhardt P.O. Box 51001, Livonia, Michigan 48151-5001
Last modified: 10/05/05      Site Developed and maintained by Synergistic Solutions