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Explain your view of the SMART opt-out proposal on the ballot.


The SMART opt-out proposal does not reduce Livonia’s financial problems.  It creates additional burdens for city hall when we least need them. 

SMART is a basic service.  Many residents never use public safety services, a park or library, but they are necessary and improve our quality of life, SMART is no different.

Without SMART, many seniors and disabled will have no transportation to destinations more than one mile outside of Livonia, or on holidays.  Many others depend on SMART to get to jobs everyday.  Let’s fix what we have, not eliminate it and add extra fiscal burdens to city government.

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Copyright © 2005 Friends Of Joan Gebhardt P.O. Box 51001, Livonia, Michigan 48151-5001
Last modified: 10/05/05      Site Developed and maintained by Synergistic Solutions