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Are you satisfied with the restrictions set by the planning commission for the Wonderland Village project, including Wal-Mart, and what would you change?


Livonia's motto is "People come first". Businesses must be successful, but not at the expense of our neighborhoods.   There are strong indications that the neighbors near Wonderland will be adversely affected.  Limiting the hours of operation, the closure of the auto center doors, parking space requirements, truck delivery and idling times and additional landscaping are only the beginning of modifications that must be made to the developer’s plan.


Set-back requirements of the box stores, the retention pond, independent traffic and neighborhood impact studies must be discussed by Council and Council must take the appropriate action by demanding changes.

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Copyright © 2005 Friends Of Joan Gebhardt P.O. Box 51001, Livonia, Michigan 48151-5001
Last modified: 10/05/05      Site Developed and maintained by Synergistic Solutions